I just got back from working with a client of mine at the Global Pet Expo in Orlando Florida, arguably one of the largest pet trade shows in the world. Some selected observations are:
• The pet category is riding high and still growing, this is where the action is, big time dollars spent by consumers in spite of the down economy.
• “Green products” are here in a big way just as other consumer marketing channels.
• A lot of dog beds, and more, and more, and more………..
• Lots of leashes, and collars…..
• Organic pet foods are here!
• 85% Dogs, then all the rest……
• Few product suppliers yet for pet lovers (people who own pets). Little gifts Inc, and Smart tags were the exception and the press at their booth caused a stir and a buzz.
• Where was all the new cat “stuff”?
• Hugh category if you are interested in buying items that sell and will turn inventory for you in 2010! Bravo, this was where the action was in the consumer channel this month. Lots of smiles on the buyer’s faces, and plenty of orders placed!
Sounds like a great show, Jack. I was just at the Natural Foods Expo and can second the fact that Organic Pet Foods are here. In fact, in the review of industry trends, the statement was made that adults might trade down in this economy for themselves, but organic purchases remained solid for children and pets.