The Little Software Company That Could:
Want to know of one real time web point & click CRM visibility application that is working well in the small to mid market company world?
After visiting middle market companies these last six month’s regarding information systems from Citrix and SAP to IBM I’m amazed to find one small I.T. company that “gets it” and quietly flies under the radar scope with its outstanding software and applications.
The basic affordable application is a slap on middle ware that allows all information to flow back from the customer to all functional areas of the company up to the “global” CEO view. Regardless of the legacy operating system or software, this is an expandable bridge that gets a company up and running with state of the art systems within weeks!
A user logs into the company website Id and immediately sees the applicable view, all on one screen, based on that user's security level. Customers see real time status of all relevant activity in top to bottom chronological event order. Each page view with a click, can flip an Excel spreadsheet for the inevitable user wanting a different sort. Each event is a hyperlink that clicks ever downward for the data that supports the view.
To my amazement once you see it and go back to most large company systems you see glaring flaws and large company information issues over and over such as:
•The entire companies numbers cast too wide a net and need to know (other person’s data) filtering is a huge problem.
•Most other systems involve huge expensive training issues.
•Millions of B to C end customer buyers in the Internet world are still on simple computers (really!, check your log pages) i.e. AOL, dial up, web TV etc. and can’t use over engineered source architecture.
•Outside sales forces and field managers still don’t have data that is applicable to giving them accurate real time views to communicate with their customers.
•Internal accounting departments still keep “off line” data invisible to the outside field forces.
•Even many CEOs still struggle with retrieving information and go to their CFOs to pull off line data.
The name of this software company is MKS Inc. (http://www.mksinc.com/) Its owner (MIT graduate) Vic Hansen (veh@mksinc.com ) and small but very competent staff are the primary brains behind this simple yet cutting edge application. What they really do is simplify the customer service experience to a self serve mentality that gets adopted and used very quickly.
How many times has your company done a system conversion only to be held back because it is too complicated to get employees and customers to use? This is one contact you might want to reach out to. This powerful application is what you have been looking for. It beats the big dogs hands down in an apples to apples comparison for a whole lot less pain!
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