The (Retail Supply Chain Software) Greater Fool Theory Strikes Again.... Or BUY MY Tulip Bulbs, They Will Make You Rich!
The new sexy jazzy Internet software gold rush I've witnessed this month is a ton of software companies claiming to have the latest, greatest supply chain software solutions (PLM, SaaS, CRM,etc.). This last month has amazed me, all spin their solutions for the Big Box retailers and most claim to have the ear of the same companies, truly amazing......
Many name drop-Walmart, Best Buy, Costco, etc and all seem to be in the favored son position of Microsoft, waiting to be hatched. Is this the next "Greater fool theory?" I'm truly amazed at the number of companies burning capital to hire software developers building elaborate IT boxes that they can't sell to anyone......They want to get attention and sell the software company to some bigger "fool".
Don't get me wrong, I do believe in PLM, CRM, SaaS, as the future. The reason for this blog is buyer be careful.......... I currently see a lot of legacy IT folks doing the applications for pragmatic buyers and management at these companies not owning the applications being shoved at them by outside "consultants". My humble opinion is the new world order needs to have relationship folks to get it "sold" and adopted by the rank and file. Many are expensive toys that are put on the shelf......
The really great systems installations have been team efforts and are sold and installed by non IT management as the leads supported by IT. Be careful, it's not Kansas anymore......... and certainly not plug and play technology.....
The new sexy jazzy Internet software gold rush I've witnessed this month is a ton of software companies claiming to have the latest, greatest supply chain software solutions (PLM, SaaS, CRM,etc.). This last month has amazed me, all spin their solutions for the Big Box retailers and most claim to have the ear of the same companies, truly amazing......
Many name drop-Walmart, Best Buy, Costco, etc and all seem to be in the favored son position of Microsoft, waiting to be hatched. Is this the next "Greater fool theory?" I'm truly amazed at the number of companies burning capital to hire software developers building elaborate IT boxes that they can't sell to anyone......They want to get attention and sell the software company to some bigger "fool".
Don't get me wrong, I do believe in PLM, CRM, SaaS, as the future. The reason for this blog is buyer be careful.......... I currently see a lot of legacy IT folks doing the applications for pragmatic buyers and management at these companies not owning the applications being shoved at them by outside "consultants". My humble opinion is the new world order needs to have relationship folks to get it "sold" and adopted by the rank and file. Many are expensive toys that are put on the shelf......
The really great systems installations have been team efforts and are sold and installed by non IT management as the leads supported by IT. Be careful, it's not Kansas anymore......... and certainly not plug and play technology.....
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