I Just had an interesting phone conversation with a new client. My take away is:
Yes, I’m definitely now seeing a positive trend in new corporate c-level hiring as I travel about. This movement is the rise of hiring what some are now calling “Organizational Architects” in American business blogs. The unique talents these folks bring to the party is that sixth sense of being able to take what the company has now and reorganizing the strategy for the challenging contemporary marketplace we now face in 2010-11.
Some visible signatures of these highly sought after “wizards” are:
*They are quick to recognize what is out of place with fresh eyes and begin making lots of small adjustments that don’t upset the existing structure. These managers just re-aline and adjust the existing “bones” i.e. some observers say like a “chiropractor.”
*They are dogmatic in a very specific strategy approach that is easily recognized. They quickly connect the dots of all departments and move into real time, one view, set of data that is point and click. This goes for all departments, suppliers, customer, and field sales.(Once you see it you will know it, off line spreadsheets are heresy to them.)
*Some senior executives that are emerging out of this economic downturn are either now using this technique or going out and hiring someone who fits this “Architect” profile.
*These generalists are functional “Jacks of all trades” , they know a lot of new key contacts and go-to outside variable overhead vendors. These managers are well connected in supply chain sourcing, I.T., outsourced accounting, distribution, independent salespeople, marketing freelancers, and product know how. They also have an incredible personal “rolodex” of variable overhead resources right at their finger tips.
*Figuring out the next years strategic plan is to move forward without fixed overhead expansion is largely coming from this new breed of “architect builders”.
*These “Frank Lloyd Wright” qualities usually come from some other previous industry they worked in. They attack all business issues with the same passion and understanding as if they are 100% sure all companies have the same problems coming out of this economic downturn.
*The work flow they put in goes through all departmental organizations in an interconnected way. In the new successful "architect's view, this aggressive consolidation work flow tact is the way forward regardless of manufactured "widget" or business services output from this company for profit. They sometimes don't care what the product/service actually is that the company sells/provides, its largely about growing, process, people, accountability, and keeping the customer happy (profitably).
Yes, these talented generalist leaders have been around for a long time, but now they appear to be moving to the front of the line of late. The companies with this new leadership strategy do seem to be breaking away from the 2009-2010 doldrums. JMHO
You're right again JB. Just had a conversation with someone last week where we talked about the fact that those who structure organizational flexibility are going to thrive moving forward.